David Ghazawy's first animated short film created between 2001 and 2002 was Mind Plague. It was completed as part of the English Extension 2 (4 Unit English) Major Work. He was still in high school at the time.
Computer power (CPU, RAM and Hard Drive Space) was fairly limited during the late 1990s. The PC was used for both school work and to create the 3D animated short film. Many 3D scenes had details stripped away from them in order to keep rendering times low.
David Ghazawy finished first in English Extension 2 (4 Unit English) in his senior year at high school as a result of this major work and associated assessable assignments.
Software: 3D Studio Max Version 3
Operating System: Windows 98
Completion Time: Approximately 10 months
CPU: Intel Celeron 400 Mhz
RAM: 32 MB
Hard Drive Capacity: 6.4 Gb